Sunday, December 5, 2010

Practice Composite

All of my faithful blog readers will likely remember those cool juggling photos I did of my handsome husband. (If you don't remember or have never seen them, check out "Portraits of a Juggler" in the June archives.) Well, there was one image on that post that was composed of three images to show Eric's movement walking and juggling downtown. I tried to composite them into a single image at that time, but couldn't figure out how to do it cleanly. I had handheld the camera for the shoot, so the backgrounds weren't lining up when I tried to stack the photos, and then I couldn't get all three images of Eric in the one image without also painting in some of the uneven background, so I eventually decided to give up on it for the time being. 

Last month I decided to enter the original tri-image photo set in the Motion category of a local print competition, and I received some very complimentary remarks from the judges; however, I was told the entry was ultimately disqualified from judging because they "were under the impression that it was supposed to be a single image." Oh well.

ANYWAY... after hearing that, I decided maybe it was time to try merging these images again. Well, apparently my Photoshop skills have significantly improved in the past six months, because I sat down to do this today and it only took about fifteen minutes. I haven't scrutinized it for perfection, but I think it looks good for the little time I spent on it. Hope you like it, too. :)


  1. Great job. Obviously it's a composite but it's seamless as far as I can tell. Great work. Composites are difficult for sure. We'll talk Photoshop tips sometime as there are a few tools that could possibly help out a little in aligning the layers. Keep up the good work Maria. I love this as a single image.
