Thursday, August 19, 2010

California Visit


Two weeks ago my husband and I visited my aunt and uncle in California. It was a great trip! We all spent one day seeing Berkeley, and the first place we went was a park that had formerly been a dump site for scrap metal and wood. Eventually, a number of artists decided to clean up the park and use the scraps to create these enormous sculptures. They were quite impressive! This one is my aunt's favorite. This sculpture is at least 15 feet tall.

This was one of my favorites. If only my aperture had been wider... I tried to blur out the background more in Photoshop--impossible to make it look good. If you have any tips, please leave them in the comments!!

This dragon was amazing, and apparently it is one of the general favorites. My aunt in the photo puts into perspective the impressive scale of these sculptures!

There were also several stone structures covered in graffiti. This was the inside of one that looked like a small abandoned fortress. I love the colors!

Of course, we couldn't visit San Francisco without a photo of the iconic Golden Gate Bridge. The fog was still a little bit low when we went to see it, but it made the bridge look like it was disappearing into the sky--beautiful.


  1. Very nice! Those things are huge! That dragon is a monster compared to Patti. Great composition all the way through, and I love the shot of the Golden Gate Bridge. Makes me want to visit again.

  2. Steve and I liked the photos. glad you had a great trip
