Thursday, May 6, 2010

The Moth Regeneration

The photo of the moth in my last post got more comments than I've ever received on any one post... Thanks, everyone! At the suggestion of my bro-in-law and fellow photog, I took the image back into Photoshop and tried to "complete" it by cloning in the tips of the feet and antenna, as well as the surrounding concrete. It was not easy, and not really fun, but I am excited at how it turned out! (Most of my photo editing experiences thus far can be characterized by this sentiment.) I've reposted the original photo below so that they are easy to compare. Please let me know what you think!


  1. Awesome job! I know this wasn't shot with a macro lens, but it really inspires me to get a good macro to have fun with these type of shots.


  2. Very nice job on your first heavy clone stamp job. The edit I did took me a solid half hour to do I'd say and to make it look natural. Good work.

  3. WOW!! Soft, Delicate, Very Detailed and absolutely BEAUTIFUL!
