Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Photos with Eric

Last Wednesday Eric and I had a little bit of daylight time left after his juggling show, so we took a walk downtown for about half an hour and he posed for me a bit. This is my favorite shot. I really liked the windows that sit close to the sidewalk, and the stone and brickwork on this building is really neat, so I had Eric squat to get him down to the window level, but I like that he's not settled in a seated position. This shot taken at 18mm, 1/400s, f/3.5, ISO 800; edited for contrast and brightness.

Last week is the first time I ever noticed this staircase. I really like the intense colors and the caging. Shot at 26mm, 1/640s, f/4, ISO 800.

I'm not sure whether I like the angle of this shot, but I have been reading David duChemin's book Within the Frame, and he mentions experimenting with different perspectives and angles, so that's what I did here. Shot at 98mm, 1/125s, f/5.6, ISO 800.

This last shot is another of my favorites--I think it has a lot to do with the fact that what Eric was wearing made for great B&W pics! I feel like it was difficult to get the B&W balance right in this shot. It was taken in the late daylight shade, so not much light to work with, which makes Eric look a little too dark. I also had trouble lightening his eyes in PS, so let me know how they look. Shot at 24mm, 1/1000s, f/3.8, ISO 800. These are the first real individual portraits I've ever done by myself, so feel free to let me know what you think. I also just got Photoshop CS4, and I worked with it on a couple of these shots, so let me know if any of the edits are too obvious.

*Note: I re-edited both B&W photos--fixed the brightness and added a sharpening layer (Thanks for the sharpening tips, Josh!). I think both look much better, and I was able to lighten up Eric's eyes a little better in the last shot. Let me know what you think.


  1. Excellent photography...good eye for creativity and awareness of the surrounding imagery and elements in the photograph.
    - Matt Fontana -

  2. Maria,
    Excellent job on the pictures, I'm Diggin' 'em like Honey Smacks. I really like the one of Eric on the wall in b/w. Great Job!

  3. I've already been drooling over the moth pic from Josh sending it to me a couple days back. My other favorite is the portrait of Eric taken at the hard angle. That's can be a hard shot to pull off but makes a portrait so much more interesting when done right. Great pics!

